The above is my DS in his greenhouse tending to his tomatoes and cucumbers.
Above is one of the smaller cucumbers he managed to grow I sometimes tell him they are corgettes in disgise. They are rather big cucumbers.
This is the first lot of carrot balls we managed to grow we have since then got another 2 loads and there is another ready to dig out the garden too. I was so proud of him with his carrots.
Above and below are photos of a couple of our Lupins we love lupins and must have about 7 different plants in the raised bed colours vary from white, deep blue, light purple, pink and some other colours which we are not sure of yet.
Here is a lilly which we didnt realise we had we knew we had loads in the pots which should have been white and orange and ended up with deep red and white but this was a shock to us and the colour is gorgous.
We were given this plant last year and took it out of the pot so it went into the garden to go natural with all the snow and cold we thought we had lost this plant until we noticed in June it started to flower now all the others except the one we kept in the pot have flowered.
The above are large daisys my DS agreed to have a few daisys which my father put in a bag all balbs along with other flowers so just using pot luck we planted in the raised bed and put the rest in the front and in pots we now have a carpet of daisys its looks gorgous but I think most will have to be moved at the end of the year lol.
The above are what my DS grew from a very small seedling and transfered to a pot when it was big enough so many different colours he did a wonderful job.
Wow, what a green fingered DS you have! Thats just lovely. All the veg looks so yummy, well done to all x x x
You are so lucky to have such a greenfingerd son
You're a right green-fingered lot, aren't you?!
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